Sahar Trivedi

Fall 2022 Analyst
Email SaharView Sahar's Resume
(647) 325-6711
CIBC Capital Markets, Deloitte

Sahar is a second-year BBA student at the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, planning to concentrate in finance and minoring in economics. He has been involved with LIFA since his first year where he was selected as a research analyst. Sahar completed his first internship at Deloitte as a Tax Analyst in the Global Investment and Innovation Incentives Group. He is excited to join CIBC Capital Markets next summer as a Corporate Banking Analyst in Toronto. Outside of school, Sahar enjoys playing badminton, volunteering in youth development programs, Sudoku, cycling, and socializing.

Sahar has an interest in the following areas: Public Equities and Corporate Banking
Sahar TrivediSahar Trivedi

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